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Telelink enlights the very first multistakeholder dialogue enhancing Burgas’s digital community with DELL Tech solutions

Telelink Business Service along with the ICT Cluster Burgas and DELL/EMC co-organized the very first multistakeholder dialogue enhancing the digital community in Burgas. The event was hosted in DAS Marina Hotel and managed to bring public sector organizations, startups, academia and research on one place. In a very relaxed atmosphere a bold emphasis was placed on how to accelerate the innovation ecosystem in the region even further – way beyond the borders of Bulgaria.

Among the topics presented were the most up-to-date solutions for building data centers, Dell Technologies storage and protection solutions, and how TBS helps to implement them in today’s exponential data growth in data centers among organizations in Bulgaria and Europe. The event covered fundamental topics such as asynchronous data replication, backup solutions, and solutions related to unstructured data.

Telelink Business Services, a highly valued system integrator with vast experience in building and implementing specific business solutions, presents Dell Technologies products helping to solve problems in storing sensitive data and solutions preventing data loss caused by various unforeseen situations. Considerable attention was also given to unstructured data, as it is one of the most relevant for business and academia today. The advantages of Powerscale ISILON as a solution with high added value, PowerStore, the flagship in data storage, and PowerProtect DD, the resolution setting the bar high for data protection in the data center and the cloud, were presented. We at Telelink Business Services believe innovation is the key to developing a better business environment in Bulgaria.

Some of the other topics presented were the opportunities under Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) and Telelink’s approach with respect to increasing the participation of Bulgarian companies in high-risk/high-gain research and innovation projects funded directly by the European Commission under Horizon Europe, Life, Interreg, etc.

A bumpy start, three years ago paved the way at Telelink for a number of success stories in 2022 and 2023.  The team named “High Value Opportunities” was given a credit with a promise to close at least two major projects within two years – over 15 submitted proposals and consortiums with over 250 well recognized organizations such Fraunhofer, Royal Military Academy of Belgium, RHEA, VTT, ABB, VisionSpace, NAVAL Group, Politecnico di Milano and many, many more.

Today, the team consisting of four people works around the clock and although the successful projects receiving grant directly from the European commission are five, three more than the target a bolder ambition is set. Not to limit within Telelink but to inspire other Bulgarian organizations to participate and address the available funding of 1.8 trillion euro until 2027. We firmly believe in the multiply effect – the more we participate, the more Bulgaria will thrive and research and innovation is the key.