Privacy Policy

With this policy we aim to inform you about the processing of your personal data we collect in connection with our activity. The personal data comprises all information related to an identified or identifiable individual. This includes information such as name, address, e-mail or phone number. Information that is not directly related to your identity, e.g. the number of users on the website, does not fall within this range.
Most of our services do not require any form of registration. We honour and respect the privacy of all users of our website. This privacy policy describes the ways and the terms and conditions, under which your personal data, collected during your visit or use of the website, will be processed and used. We recommend that you read this Privacy Policy for more information regarding the processing and use of your personal data.

Basic concepts for a better understanding of this policy
“Personal Data” within the meaning of this Policy means the data, provided by users and customers of Telelink Business Services Group AD in connection with (including but not limited to):
use of the web pages and / or online applications owned and operated by Telelink Business Services Group AD (including the official pages of the Company on social networks – Facebook; Instagram, Linkedin, etc.);

  • receiving and sending information about initiatives or other events, organized, supported or funded by Telelink Business Services Group AD;
  • applications for vacant positions within the Company.
  • related to the exercise of the rights of data subjects.

“Processing of personal data” of a user means any operation or a set of operations performed with personal data or a set of personal data through automatic or other means such as collection, recording, organizing, structuring, storing, adapting or changing, retrieving, consulting, using, disclosing through transmission, distribution or other means, by which data are made available, arranged or combined, restricted, deleted or destroyed
“Controller” means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body, which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the personal data processing and when the purposes and means of such processing are determined by the EU legislation or the national laws of a Member State, the controller or the specific criteria for the administrator may be laid down in the EU legislation or the national laws of a Member State.
“Consent of the data subject” means any freely expressed, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s will, by the means of a statement or clearly affirmative action, expressing his / her consent to the processing of his/her personal data;
„Data processor“ means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other organization, that processes personal data on behalf of Telelink Business Services Group AD.
“Third Party” means an individual or legal person, public authority, agency or other body, other than the data subject, controller, processor and persons who, under the direct control of the controller or processor, have the right to process personal data.
“Data subject” means an individual who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by an identifier such as name, identification number, location data, online identifier, or by one or more characteristics, specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that individual.
“Applicable law” means the legislation of the European Union and of the Republic of Bulgaria, which is relevant to the personal data protection (Personal Data Protection Act, etc.);
“Regulation (EU) 2016/679” means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (General Data Protection Regulation), published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 4 May 2016, hereinafter referred to as “the Regulation”,

Purpose of data processing
Telelink Business Services AD collects through its website and uses your personal information for the following purposes:

Provision of the services you have requested:
Almost all of the personal data you fill out in the registration forms or your profile is necessary to respond to your need or the service you have required and which Telelink Business Services AD provides. In view to provide high quality services online and offline, we need your identification data, whereas their scope varies depending on the type of service requested and the applicable legal requirements.

The personal data you provide may be used to inform you about new services, provided by Telelink Business Services Group AD. The messages we send will be always in compliance with the applicable Bulgarian and European legislation.
Furthermore, you may wish to subscribe to our newsletter on our website by providing us with your email address.
You may object in an easy and convenient way to the use of your personal data for the purposes of marketing when the reason for processing is of legitimate interest and we will terminate the processing immediately; the information on how to withdraw already given consent or to object to receiving an unwanted marketing message will always be visibly displayed in the message.
For the purposes of marketing we perform traffic analysis and track users’ behavior on the website through third-party domain codes, whereas we process your personal data, using cookies. You can read more about them in our cookie policy.

Selection of employees, applying for vacant positions:
Through our website we provide a convenient opportunity for you to get acquainted with the vacancies announced in Telelink Business Services AD and apply for a position of your choice. Therefore, you can submit your documents through the website and for the purposes of selection, we will identify and process the information you send and your personal data.

Lawful basis for processing personal data
When Telelink Business Services AD processes your personal data for the purposes of providing the services you have requested through our website, we most often process your personal data on a contractual basis pursuant to Art. 6 (1) (b) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
In the event that you apply for a vacant position at Telelink Business Services AD through the website, we collect your data for selection purposes on the basis of your consent to do so in accordance with Art. 6 (1) (a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).
For the purposes of marketing activities, we process your personal data because we have a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 (1) (f) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) or because you have given us your consent on the basis of Art. 6 (1) (a) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR).

What personal data do we process?
We collect and process your personal data through our website, including through: online forms you submit to our web site.
We may process the below referred categories of personal data (the list is indicative and not exhaustive) provided by you to the Company:

А) Category „General personal data“
1. Names
Full names and initials
2. Contact information
3. Declared interests, preferences, opinions, comments, positions and the like concerning the activity of Telelink Business Services Group AD, including in respect to specific campaigns, initiatives or other events organized, supported or funded by Telelink Business Services Group AD.

B) Other data
Any other information that you may provide to us voluntarily by accessing and / or using our website, including its applications, by filling forms, etc., or by accessing and / or using the Company’s official pages on social networks – Facebook; Instagram; Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, etc.).

Who has access to your data?
Telelink Business Services Group AD is the controller of your personal data and as such will not share, transmit, disclose or distribute your personal data to third parties other than as provided in this Policy. Telelink Business Services AD respects and maintains the confidentiality of your personal data. Subject to legal requirements or with your consent, the Company may disclose your personal data to third parties, that are processing personal data as joint or standalone controllers

The persons, with whom we share data, are:
Other companies from Telelink Business Services Group AD based on our legitimate interest related to the Group’s internal administrative goals (eg IT infrastructure management), as well as with respect to legal reporting obligations.
Regulatory national and European administrative authorities, receiving information on the basis of a statutory power to request and receive such information, as well as other public authorities in the cases provided for by the law, in connection with the performance of their legitimate obligations or in connection with legal proceedings.
Companies involved in the IT product licensing process.

How long do we store your personal data?
Your personal data will be stored for a definite period of time solely for the purposes for which has been collected and processed. They can be stored both as hard copy and electronically. For instance, your contact information will only be stored and used to send the information you have requested from us until you withdraw your consent.

Your rights regarding your personal data
Subject to Bulgarian and European law, including Regulation (EU) 2016/679, you have the following rights in relation to your personal data, processed by Telelink Business Services Group AD:

  • to access and receive a copy of your personal data, processed by Telelink Business Services Group AD;
  • in case of incompleteness or inaccuracy of the data, processed by Telelink Business Services Group AD, your personal data to be corrected;
  • to request your data to be deleted when the below referred conditions are met, and in particular:
  • the objective for which the data were collected has been achieved;
  • you have withdrawn your consent when processing is consent based and there is no other legal basis for processing;
  • your data is being processed illegally, and others;
  • in certain cases you may require the processing of your personal data to be restricted when:
  • you challenge the accuracy of the personal data for a period that allows us to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
  • the processing is unlawful, however you do not want your personal data to be deleted, but instead require a restriction on their use;
  • Telelink Business Services AD no longer needs your personal data for the purposes for which it was collected, but you require it to be retained for the purpose of establishing, exercising or protecting legal claims;
  • you have objected to the processing of your data based on the existence of a legitimate interest in the Company; in cases where your data are processed for legitimate interest (listed above in this notice), you may object to the processing of your personal data on that basis;
  • to exercise your right to data portability and request your data to be provided in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format;
  • to withdraw your consent when processing of your personal data is based on consent
  • to file a complaint with the Commission for Protection of Personal Data, where the relevant prerequisites are available, at

Who are we?
Telelink Business Services Group EAD is a joint-stock company, leader in the IT services and infrastructure, registered in the Commercial Register of the Registry Agency under UIC 205744019, with registered office and headquarters: Garitage Park, bldg.1, fl.4, 2 Donka Ushlinova str., 1766 Sofia, Bulgaria. In accordance with the applicable data protection laws, Telelink Business Services AD acts as a controller of personal data with respect to the personal data of the users of its website and applications.

How to contact us?
If this policy does not answer your questions or you have any other concern, please contact us directly at the following address: Garitage Park, bldg.1, fl.4, 2 Donka Ushlinova str., 1766 Sofia, Bulgaria, or e-mail:, or contact our personal data protection officer: