Compute, Storage and Backup

Fully monitored, easily orchestrated on-prem or hybrid infrastructure


Be in control of your infrastructure.

Every digital space around us has changed, the migration mentality, on-prem or hybrid, x86 or Power, virtualized or not, is a question of a business case and needs. At Telelink Business Services we’re both strategic and precise about selecting the appropriate storage and compute deployment model for our clients. We are determined about which applications and workloads should get shifted to the appropriate storage and which remain on-premises optimizing cloud environments to constantly mature it’s capabilities to meet the market and consumer demands.

Our vision is to give you full control of your IT infrastructure, regardless of the chosen solutions. We can help you manage and optimize cloud solutions, and on-premises or suggest a fully synchronized hybrid framework focusing on stability and harmonious tech architecture.

Spanning from computing, storage, SAN, virtualization, and orchestration to back up and disaster recovery, we compile all the necessary ingredients to ensure a reliable, scalable, and modern application environment.  

From the complexity of building entire on-premises or hybrid solutions to the simplicity of offering you storage or computing at a preferable price, we are your trustworthy partner.



Fully Customizable

Telelink Business Services provides a deployment model that operates solely for a single organization according to demand. 

Higher Level of Security 

The computing resources remain behind the organization’s firewalls. It is highly secure as the resources are not shared with others. 

Superior Performance 

Greater flexibility to control the cloud environment. 

Legal Compliance 

When you deal with regulated data, e.g., financial, health care, or credit card data, there are strict rules around where the data is stored, who can handle and process it, and how it is protected. With the private cloud, you know where your data center is located and who accesses it.  

Key Technologies

Compute / Serverce
  • x86 systems
  • Power Systems
  • Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI)
  • Unix/Linux/Windows OS’s
  • Block/Object/NAS Storages
  • Backup Applicanes
  • Storage Virtualization
  • Software Defined Storages
  • Public Cloud Brideges
  • VMware
  • HyperV
  • KVM
Business Continuity
  • Workloads Backup
  • Application Backup
  • Complex Active/Active, Active/Standby or DR solutions
Storage Area Networking (SAN)

How do we deliver?

01. Dedicated Team

Every assessment requires various qualifications from our experts. All projects are assigned to a dedicated team of professionals.

02. Requirements Validation

To find the best and most valuable solutions for the infrastructure we re-validate customer expectations grounding our solutions on information gathered during the pre-sales phase.

03. Tailormade Design

We design, prepare, and architect suitable infrastructure according to your business needs.

04. Implementation

Detailed implementation plan is the fundament of our journey ensuring full sync of the process.

05. Execution and Testing

Finalizing the project we develop execution excellence through continuous testing procedures.

06. Support

In accordance with our engagement we offer extensive implementation support followed by regular support.

“In time characterized by ongoing digital development, we create opportunities for all organizations to harness their full potential….-

Kiril Dakov, Director Private Cloud

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Why engage with Telelink Business Services?

– Multi-customer experience
– Broad technology expertise
– Dedicated roles and teams
– Customer Engagement
– Our values front the work process – we challenge the status quo aiming for success.

Fully monitored, easily orchestrated on-prem or hybrid infrastructure

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