1 min read

Cyberthreats and Cyberprotection Webinar

The recent shift of businesses, organizations, and schools to digital workflow, has given opportunities to cyber-attackers to take advantage of vulnerable audiences. Monitoring the cybersecurity landscape and the increase of COVID-19 related cybercrime, we have identified that this pandemic offers cyber attackers unique opportunities to leverage existing tactics and procedures, created by a massive increase of employees working from home, children using home computers for schooling, as well as the human factor and emotions caused by the pandemic.

At our free webinar on Cybersecurity, Boris Marinov discussed how to identify potential cyber-attacks, as well as how to protect from them, while we are in our homes.

Boris Marinov, Senior Security Analyst at Telelink Business Services, will provide you with valuable information about the cybersecurity landscape, as well as his best tips on cyber protection.

Disclaimer: The webinar is in Bulgarian.

Watch the webinar on-demand to get our professional advice here.