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Dream Space Bulgaria opened in collaboration with Telelink – a free STEAM learning hub available for all teachers and students

Telelink Business Services in collaboration with Microsoft Bulgaria launched Dream Space learning hub, providing STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education accessible for free to all Bulgarian students and teachers

Dream Space is now officially launched as a result from a successful partnership between Telelink Business Services and Microsoft Bulgaria. This STEAM learning hub offers immersive, research-based experiences to all Bulgarian students and teachers for free. The plan for this first school season is to reach 10.000 students and 600 teachers. The next 5 years will be dedicated to upgrading Dream Space’s STEAM laboratories and material base to fulfill students’ and teachers’ needs for resources and good practices.

Dream Space follows in full Telelink’s vision on renewed Bulgarian educational system. It brings learning experience for students, teachers, and communities to enhance their STEAM skills and computational thinking alongside crucial social-emotional skills such as empathy, creativity, ethical decision making and collaboration. Dream Space empowers everyone to see the power of digital technology and STEAM in exciting new ways and the crucial role that these areas have now and into the future. The educational process will be free, with teachers required just to pre-register to reserve a spot for themselves and their students.

STEAM educational journey at Dream Space will be focused on developments in science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Creative curriculum design has the power to spark curiosity, ignite imagination and drive enquiry about the inter-relatedness of things, factors that Telelink strongly believes in. “ Ivo Rusev, Telelink’s Director of Commercial and Public Sector expresses our mission by saying „For us at Telelink Business Services, children are the cornerstone of our future, so we are committed to their learning and growth through innovative education. We are happy to collaborate with Microsoft Bulgaria to bring equal opportunity for all and we support the country’s educational system.”

Telelink supports Dream Space activities, which include workshops and field trips, teachers’ training with national accreditation and Dream Space TV (fun videos with interviews and demonstrations). 

The idea for the project was born from Microsoft’s belief that children create the future and quality education is fundamental for the economic growth of any country. Therefore, it is crucial that students are supported with all the modern tools, necessary resources and learning opportunities, to help them to develop necessary skills and competencies, as well as prepare for their future. Telelink Business Services will continue to contribute to Dream Space success, hoping it will shape a new educational ecosystem.

To find out may find more details and reserve a spot to visit Dream Space: https://www.microsoft.com/bg-bg/dreamspace-in-bulgaria