General meetings of shareholders

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Он-лайн инструкции ОСА 19.06.2024
5.5 MB Download
II.10. Report IR 2023
2.7 MB Download
I.6. Rules for voting by correspondence 2024
272.1 КB Download
I.5. Rules for voting by proxy 2024
259.9 КB Download
I.4. Voting by correspondence Declaration 19062024
114.1 КB Download
I.3. Proxy Authorization Form EGMS 19062024 English
121.2 КB Download
2. Resolution SB TBSG for convening RGMS 19062024
2.2 MB Download
I.1. Invitation RGMS 19062024
11.0 MB Download
164.8 КB Download
II.13. Мотивиран доклад УС 114.1.2. ЗППЦК 25.04.2024
8.8 MB Download
II.12. Мотивиран доклад УС 114.1.3. ЗППЦК 25.04.2024
9.3 MB Download
II.11. Отчет Одитен комитет
280.5 КB Download
II.10. Доклад ДВИ 2023
2.7 MB Download
I.5. Правила за гласуване с пълномощно
259.9 КB Download
119.7 КB Download
120.5 КB Download
I.1. Покана за свикване на ОСА 19062024
716.9 КB Download
I.2. Решение НС ТБСГ за свикване на ОСА 19062024
2.2 MB Download
I. Материали по чл.224 от ТЗ ИОСА 19062024
95.9 КB Download
Протокол от проведено ОСА на ТБСГ – 21.11.2023
3.3 MB Download
Written materials under art. 224 of Commercial Act_EGMS 21.11.2023
154.6 КB Download
II.3.3.Criminal Record Certificate Ivo Evgeniev GDPR – only BG
454.8 КB Download
II.3.2.Declaration art. 237 para. 3 CA Ivo Evgeniev GDPR – only BG
179.9 КB Download
II.3.1.CV Ivo Evgeniev
99.8 КB Download
II.2.4.Declaration art. 116a1 POSA Wolfgang Ebermann GDPR
1.5 MB Download
II.2.3.Criminal Record Certificate Wolfgang Ebermann GDPR
2.6 MB Download
II.2.2.Declaration art. 237 para. 3 CA Wolfgang Ebermann GDPR
657.2 КB Download
II.2.1.CV Wolfgang Ebermann
275.5 КB Download
I.6.Rules for voting by correspondence 2023_amended
272.1 КB Download
I.5. Rules for voting by proxy 2023_amended
259.9 КB Download
I.4.Voting by correspondence Declaration 21.11.2023 Bilingual
116.8 КB Download
I.3.Proxy Authorization Form EGMS 21.11.2023 English
114.4 КB Download
I.3.Proxy Authorization Form EGMS 21.11.2023 Bilingual
115.2 КB Download
I.2.Res SB 19072023 GMS 21.11.2023 Signed all
1.1 MB Download
I.1.Invitation ЕGMS 21.11.2023_Eng_Signed
7.7 MB Download
ИОСА 21.11.2023 Материали по чл.224 от ТЗ
154.2 КB Download
II.3.3.Свидетелство за съдимост Иво Евгениев GDPR
418.9 КB Download
II.3.2.Декларация по чл. 237 ал. 3 ТЗ Иво Евгениев GDPR
179.9 КB Download
II.3.1.CV Иво Евгениев
99.8 КB Download
II.2.4.Декларация по чл. 116a1 ал. 2 ЗППЦК Волфганг Еберман GDPR
1.5 MB Download